Committees are organized to address issues that affect provider members and the hospice community. Committee members are appointed by the current CHAPCA Chair and approved by the Board of Directors.
Committee members serve one year terms, and may be re-appointed. CHAPCA members and staff employed by provider members are encouraged to volunteer for committee participation
Executive Committee & Leadership Development
The Executive Committee, composed of the officers and one member elected at large by the Board, conducts any necessary business between regular meetings of the Board of Directors.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee recommends an annual budget for CHAPCA, monitors the investments and considers all matters of a financial nature that are referred to the committee.
Education & Leadership Development Committee
The Education and Leadership Development Committee identifies educational content that meets the changing needs of hospice and palliative care providers in California. They plan the theme of CHAPCA Annual Conference assisting with selection of speakers, develop of the educational format that will engage providers with strategic direction and mentoring of current and new hospice professionals promoting and cultivating interest in future leadership positions.
Public Policy Committee
The Public Policy Committee reviews proposed legislation that may affect hospice or palliative care; develops policy recommendations for the Board of Directors; develops CHAPCA's legislative agenda; monitors health care legislation and organizes grass roots political activities; advocates for hospice with the Department of Public Health and the Department of Health Care Services on issues related to state and federal hospice licensure and certification, Medi-Cal and managed care.